Where will you celebrate the Fourth?

0 Posted by - June 30, 2010 - American Backdrops, Backdrop Rentals, Backdrop Sales, Backdrops Fantastic, Seasonal Backdrops, Theme Backdrops, USA Backdrops

Wherever you are we hope you will be able to see the FIREWORKS!

Fireworks were associated with Independence Day celebrations even before the signing of the Declaration. The earliest settlers brought their love of fireworks to this country. Firings of black powder were used to celebrate holidays and to impress the natives. By the time of the American Revolution, fireworks had long played a part in celebrating important events.

John Adams wrote on July 3, 1776 to his wife, after the Continental Congress had decided to proclaim the American colonies independent of England,”The day will be most memorable in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival … It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade…bonfires and illuminations (fireworks) from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore.”

It was natural, then, that not only John Adams but also many of his countrymen should think of fireworks when independence was declared. The very first celebration of Independence Day was in 1777, six years before Americans knew whether the new nation would even survive the war, and fireworks were a part of the celebration.

233 Years later we are still celebrating!


Backdrops Fantastic suggests using one of our backdrops as a way to bring the fireworks to your event.

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